Silent Spring Revisited

Silent Spring Revisited

SILENT SPRING REVISITED – Rachel Carson’s Fight for Nature

Rachel Carson has been in Jan Bolwell’s life since 

she was nine years old. Her conservationist grandmother introduced 

her to Carson’s famous book Silent Spring, that exposed the dangers

of the chemical pesticide DDT.  Jan revisits this book through adult eyes, 

as she plays Rachel Carson in her fight for nature.

An exciting creative team has worked collaboratively on this work –

 director Annie Ruth, composer Jan Bolton and lighting designer Helen Todd. 

Audiences find out about Rachel’s struggle to bring 

an important environmental issue into the light. 

We also are challenged to consider current ecological 

and environmental issues in our own backyard.  

Wellington City Council is rapt to be supporting this 

custom-built tour of Silent Spring Revisited to local community centres. 

This pilot project explores ways in which artists might build community

 within some of the city’s shared suburban buildings.  

Jan Bolwell – ‘Wit, fluency, precision and charm..’